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My name is Andreas, I'm a software developer and I blog about random topics from time to time!

Custom Annotations With Swagger Core


I scratched my head quite a bit before figuring out from the official swagger-core documentation that you can let your annotations define limitations on the Open API specification. The relevant section is extending-core-resolver. To use a custom annotation you need to configure: A ModelResolver, which will tell swagger-core how to interpret your annotation. Register your ModelResolver. Example The annotation I’ll give an example of a range annotation, which will set a min and max value.

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Game State Integration Intro


Game State Integration (GSI) is a powerful feature integrated into Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Dota 2. It enables the sending of real-time updates of the game state to services, which can be harnessed to create applications that integrate deeply with the current state of the game. Although GSI is officially launched for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, there is no official information or release for its use in Dota 2. Despite this, people have still found ways to use GSI in Dota 2.

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Use OpenAPI to Prevent Unintended Changes


OpenAPI is brilliant, it’s a specification for your restful API! Your customers can create clients to talk to your system. Your documentation probably improved while implementing it. Because you had to revisit all public endpoints and update its information. The documentation and code is living in the same repository. This makes it easier to remember to update the documentation when you make changes to the code. There is hopefully a stronger sense of ownership of the documentation from the developers point of view.

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How to Make Your Documentation Suck Less

2022-10-05 [updated 2022-10-20]

If you provide a library or service, your documentation is probably the most import resource you have. That’s because it’s what your users will use to integrate with your solution. Therefore is it imperative that your documentation is as good as it can be! But how do you create good documentation? The following ideas are some that I’ve found useful when working with documentation. Someone should be responsible A camel is a horse designed by a committee

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Logitech Lift Review


To set the stage, I’m going to start off with describing my use case and background before I go into my opinions regarding how well the mouse fares. Usage and background I use the mouse exclusively for work, which is 40 hours a week. I tend to try and use the keyboard as much as possible, which means I might not use the mouse as much as the average user. I’m right handed but some years ago I started using mice that were ambidextrous, and while I work I only use the mouse in my left hand.

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Shutting Down Projects


Shutting down a project makes you think about its lifetime. I suppose this is a Post Mortem of sorts, and also a description of the projects journey. The TL;DR is You should take time to think about if a project is giving you joy,if not either shut it down or sell it. My wife and I have ran a homepage between 2017 and 2022, which we choose to shut down since the situation that sprung the project had been resolved and that we no longer had the energy to support it.

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Pi-hole Docker 2022.04.1 Not Loading UI


I’m running Pi-hole in Docker on a Raspberry Pi 4, which I admittedly don’t update as often as I should. Today was the day to update it and I do what I normally do, docker pull pihole/pihole and start up a container based on the new image. Huh? This is taking longer than it normally does.. and sure enough the startup timed out but it seemed to have started up.

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Slack Productivity Tips


I want to improve my use of Slack, so that I can be on top of channels and communication that take place in my company’s workspace. The following tips are some of the ones that I use and I’ve gathered them from exploring Slack as well as from helpful collegues. I went years without changing anything but the color scheme of Slack. I guess that’s a testament to the default setup of Slack.

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Usage Quotas, job artifacts and GitLab Pages


I recently set-up a static homepage that is hosted on GitLab pages, which contains quite a few large images which tallys up to around 170MB and around 30MB when compressed. When a GitLab pipeline is being executed, the artifacts that are produced in each job will be stored and the default expiration time of an artifact is 30 days. GitLab offers a generous usage quota of 10GB per project, which consits of

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Wordpress Export Format


I’ve worked on parsing a WordPress.com xml export file and convert it to markdown and I can’t say that I’m a big fan of the xml format. There are some issues with the format that really bugs me, it makes it tedious to work with the files. It feels a bit like they needed to have an export, to just make put a tick in a box, and not a feature that has been taken care of over time.

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